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Preparation time: 5’

Cooking time: 10’

150 gr. smoked pancetta
10 cherry tomatoes
1 green horn pepper
Olive oil
1 tsp. onion powder
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. sweet paprika
1/4 bunch parsley
50 ml white wine
500 gr. linguini
50 gr. parmesan grated
350 gr. Tomato Sauce BasilicoKYKNOS
Salt, Freshly ground pepper

Cut the pancetta into cubes, the cherry tomatoes into 4 pieces, the pepper into rings and chop the parsley.
Put water in a saucepan, add salt and add the linguini.
In a deep frying pan, put olive oil and pancetta on medium to high heat and sauté for 4'-5'.
Add the peppers and sauté for another 1'.
Add the cherry tomatoes and deglaze with the wine.
Let the alcohol evaporate for 1' and add spices and the Tomato Sauce Basilico KYKNOS.
Add a spoonful of the water from the linguini, parmesan and parsley and let it cook for 1’.
Add the linguini, leave them in the sauce for 2’ without heat and serve.