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Cooking Time: 30'

150 ml. Olive oil
3 tbsp. Tomatopaste KYKNOS
8 nests of coarse noodles
800 ml. - 1 lt of water
(it depends if we want it more pureed or like a light soup)
Salt, Freshly ground pepper
Fresh oregano

Put the oil in a pot and let it heat up at a medium to high temperature. Grind a lot of fresh black pepper and sauté lightly.

Add the Tomatopaste KYKNOS and cook it well. Add the water and let it boil for 8 – 10 minutes with the lid open.

Break up the nests of coarse noodles and add to the pot. Mix well and lower the heat. Let it cool for another 11-12 minutes.

Turn off the heat, add the fresh oregano, put a lid on the pot and let the snakes cook for another 5 minutes.

Serve hot with extra fresh pepper and feta cheese.