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Preparation time: 20´

Cooking time: 20´-25´

For 4 persons

For the sauce
680 gr. Crushed Tomatoes KYKNOS
1 tbsp. Tomatopaste 28% KYKNOS
1 white onion (cut into medium cubes)
1 red pepper (cut into medium cubes)
2 cloves garlic (finely chopped)
10-12 leaves of fresh sage or broad-leaf basil
1 tsp. oregano dry
Salt, Freshly ground pepper

For the ratatouille
2 medium tsakonic eggplants
2 zucchini
2 red onions
2 tomatoes
50 gr. olive oil
Salt, Freshly ground pepper

For the sauce
Heat the olive oil in a saucepan. Add the onion and pepper, salt and saute for 3΄-4΄. Add the garlic and cook for another 1΄. Add the Crushed Tomatoes KYKNOS, Tomatopaste 28% KYKNOS, basil, oregano, salt and pepper, mix and let the sauce boil for 10΄. Puree with the blender (not completely) until the ingredients are half melted. Transfer the sauce to an ovenproof dish and set aside. Preheat the oven to 200ο C on the resistances.

For the ratatouille
Wash all the vegetables, dry them and cut them into thin, round slices (about 0,5 cm). Take 1 slice of each vegetable and place them one on top of the other. As soon as are collected enough, place them upright in the sauce. Continue in the same way until fill the entire container. Sprinkle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Bake in the oven for 25΄-30΄.